Mix-er; noun – Somebody who combines various sound recordings
to create the final soundtrack. An informal party held as a way of allowing a group of people to get to know each other.
In The Reader

March 18, 5 PM
Concert in Honor of Winifred O’Reilly
Roots n’ shoots. Elders and progeny. Then and now. The Crooked Mouth, Midnight Moxie, Jamie O’Reilly & the Rogues: Family-bands O’Reilly showcase their smokin’ bag-of-tricks in a great mash-up of talent. Dedicated to Winifred, our own “Mother of Invention,” who started it all. Sunday March 18 @ 5 PM at Prop Thr, 3502 N Elston, Chicago, IL.
Tickets on Brown Paper Tickets
Call Beau at 773.508.0666 for info.
The Crooked Mouth
A band for the times, both good and bad. Purveyors of original music with roots in vaudeville, The Crooked Mouth gives songwriters their due, pretends to the folksy but leans on the Brechtsy, and harmonizes on themes of loss and forbearance.
Beau O’Reilly (lead vocals and good cheer); Jenny Magnus (drums, vocals); Troy Martin
(guitar, ukelele, vocals); Matt Test (banjo, accordion, piano, vocals); Vicki Walden (bass, vocals)
Midnight Moxie
Sarah Chang (bass, guitar, keys, vocals); Nia O’Reilly Amandes (drums, keys, guitar, vocals)Meg O’Reilly Amandes (guitar, bass, vocals);
This all-girl doo-wop rock trio was formed in the summer of 2009. Sisters Meg and Nia O’Reilly Amandes and close friend Sarah Chang take inspiration from girl groups of the 1960s, with tight, honey-drenched vocal harmonies, and themed-outfits. Their fresh and fine-crafted original material shows their talent for creating pop tunes that stick in your head, and rock your socks-off. http://midnightmoxie.com
Jamie O’Reilly & The Rogues:
Irish folk music & antics
“I always thought of it as a kind of Maureen O’Hara meets the Smothers Brothers,” says Jamie O’Reilly, the lone female voice in this eclectic ensemble, reuniting for the second time since the early 90s. The Rogues are Tom Amandes (in from LA), Paul Amandes, John Floeter, Peter Swenson, and Stuart Rosenberg. ” Through it all,” Jamie says, “three things drove the musicians: showmanship, an intelligent approach to musical arrangement, and a sense of good will and camaraderie.” …And the money.
Listen Ballad of the Rogues © Tom Amandes
More songs at CD BABY