Jamie O’Reilly hosts the Heritage Bake Sale & Raffle at Chief O’Neill’s Pub. A one-night only event, featuring baked goods from home cooks created from treasured family recipes gathered from Roots Salon community. Hosted by Judi Heikes and Jamie O’Reilly, the bake sale will take place at Chief O’Neill’s Pub during her Legacy Concert event. Offering homemade foodstuffs for sale to take-home. We will also offer several premium items in a Raffle!

Read this blog in newsletter format.https://mailchi.mp/jamieoreilly/jamie-o-may-enewsbirthdaymothers-day-concert-lullaby-and-more A Note from JamieMay, 2022Bon Appétit I am facing my 64th birthday with calm. My birthday’s always Mother’s Day weekend. I get plenty of attention and the best of the spring flowers. I just read Julia Child’s memoir My Life in France. No feeling sorry for herself or settling […]