Roots Writer Series & Workshop ~ Zoe Keithley

“Everything helps you when you are a writer. Speaks to you. Imprints you with its many sided selves. Writing fills you up with its astonishing being. You are beholden to it and pass the amazement on to others.”

Zoe_face0Roots Salon Writers Series Presents
Zoe Keithley, Master Speaker
Sat. April 26
Workshop 4-6 pm
Reading 7:30 pm
Roots Salon – private address
Call 773-203-7661; email:

Reservations. $25 workshop only. $20 talk only. $30 both events.  We serve dessert. You BYOB. Seating is limited. Street parking.  Purchase tickets via paypal link below.

Zoe flyer

About Zoe: April’s Master Speaker & Workshop leader has presented several times at Roots.  A Story Workshop graduate and teacher at Columbia College for many years, Chicago born, Zoe Keithley now lives in California, but has not forgotten her city.  A graduate of Trinity University and Columbia College, Chicago, she has been writing, publishing and winning awards for over 30 years.  Her novel “The Calling of Mother Adelli” will be released on Amazon book and Kindle this month.

About the Writing Workshop: Zoe coaches participants through reading and word games designed to provoke spontaneous vivid  imagery, memories and authentic voice.  The result is unforgettable storytelling, that reveals the power of “your own voice”. The group supports each another, and the process yields a fruitful start to pieces individuals can take home.


Zoe promo poster (1)In the evening at Roots Salon, Zoe will read selections from her novel “The Calling of Mother Adelli” and poetry from published works.





Workshop & Salon