Pitch Perfect ~ Roots Artist Workshop, Networking Event, April 25

Follow-up to the workshop
It was a good group, with a variety of interests: a book-maker/book-binder, a visual artist, a storyteller/inspirational speaker and an historian/author.  And they were good audience to each other.  I will be doing more.

The Pitch Perfect Artist Workshop was very effective. 
Participants had an opportunity to do a soft-sell elevator pitch about a current project, then a 2 min project pitch, and hear a few minutes of feedback.   After three passes at it, they integrated the input and wrote a refined pitch.   As a networking piece, each participant left with the written pitch of another artist. They now write an introductory letter to five people in their circle on behalf of that artist.   https://www.jamieoreilly.com/pitch-perfect-roots-artist-workshop-and-networking-event/

workshop2Part 1, Pitch Perfect is the first of the workshops I am offering for my clients and those others as part of a series of artist promotion and networking workshops at my Roots Salon in Chicago. This is a straight-ahead workshop, based on my time in the Arts Management Dept at Columbia College. It is designed to hone-in and promote work, and network with others who want to find gigs, clients and audience. For some it will be a means to an end. For others a way to network.

Part 2. Workshop Friending the DIY Video will be offered in the next month.

Pitch Perfect
“What I’m most excited about”
A Roots Salon Artist Workshop
Saturday, April 25 1:00 pm – 3:30PM

Roots Salon at Jamie’s house
On N Leavitt (North of Lawrence), Chicago
$30 in advance.  $35 day of.
Ph 773-203-7661
email: roots @jamieoreilly.com
Registration preference to Roots Members

Meet others who are making life changes, doing new projects and want to define and market their work!
This interactive workshop, led By Jamie O’Reilly, is about zeroing in on what you do.  So you can tell others,

Talk about the projects you’re working on
Focus on the cold call, elevator speech, and email pitch
Consider how to chat-up our services with friends and associates with ease
Practice your pitch and get feedback from the class
Network with others and exchange services
Make communication, networking, pricing and finding “gigs” less intimidating.

Participants are asked to bring their business card to exchange, or a mock-up of one they’d like to have.


Jamie O’Reilly  “A Voice for the Soul of the City” Artist Services
Guiding. Inspiring. Producing. Serving the arts community for over 30 years
Jamie is a vital resource for all creatives, providing guidance, direction, spearheading projects and creating goodwill. It is her love of singing, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a fiercely held belief in the value of the artist  that fuel her active and vibrant world

Jamie O’Reilly has presented artist workshops for over 20 years.  In the mid ’90s, she developed classes in career development and “Making a Life in the Arts” workshops for the  Columbia College Arts Management Department, and was a  teaching artist at Columbia’s Portfolio Center.  She later taught workshops in business skills for the artist for Victory Gardens Training Center, Center Portion, and the Guild Complex. Shes taught singing classes for adults with special needs at  artScape, housed at  Gallery 37 in Chicago.  The Artscape program was a collaboration between Harold Washington and Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs.  She also developed and taught a broad range of classes on self-promotion and entrepreneurship to creatives, long before the internet offered targeted promotion through social media and DIY websites.  At the recommendation of the Illinois Arts Council, Jamie became a registered arts consultant and expanded her role as an arts advocate in the greater Chicago area, working with some of the finest cultural institutions.  Self-taught as a media producer and blogger, now with an extensive following, Jamie presents a growing roster of artists and high profile projects, and offers a place for community at Roots Salon, where she is Salonniere.  In 2006, she began providing one-on-one artist development services at her own office, under the auspices of J. O’Reilly Productions.  Last summer Jamie produced Rekindling the Salon, an artist retreat, as artist -in-residence for Hothouse, at the historic Lakeside Studios.

Workshops and talks Jamie offers (sample list)
Finding Your Niche in the Arts Scene, Self Promotion for the Artist, Making a Life in the Arts, Nuts and Bolts of a Project, Writing for Performance, Creating an Artist Salon, Making Deals: Pricing Yourself and Pitching Work (blog)Voice Lessons: Singing from the Center


Read about Jamie’s work history here.