A dramatical, musical, comical riff on ULYSSES
Celebrating the Centenary of the James Joyce Masterpiece Ulysses
Wed June 15, Thurs June 16 ~ two shows per evening at 6:30 & 8:30 PM
Chief O’Neill’s Pub and Restaurant 3471 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 60618
Show Tickets: $25 available here at Event Brite.
Jamie’s Event Page ~ https://www.jamieoreilly.com/events/2022-06-15/
Adapted from James Joyce’s Ulysses and arranged by J. R. Sullivan, this one-of-a kind Bloomsday event in a genuine pub setting, will feature a formidable ensemble performing the dramatic and comedic roles, and period songs by Jamie O’Reilly with John Erickson on piano. Seating is limited. Advance tickets encouraged. There will be two performances per evening, and dinner service offered before the show.
Dinner reservations can be made ahead at Chief O’Neill’s. PH (773) 583-3066.

with Shawn Douglass, Sean Kenyon, Claudia Kinahan as Molly Bloom,
Stephen Spencer, Dan Sullivan as James Joyce, and JR Sullivan, Director/Writer

A Note from Jamie O’Reilly
June 5, 2022
The Odyssey continues!
I’m seeing-in the Ulysses Centenary Celebration stateside. When it became clear a Dublin trip wasn’t in the cards this summer, Siobhan at Chief’s suggested I pair-up with producer/writer/director JR (Jim) Sullivan, whose new show BLOOMSDAY CHICAGO, is a dramatical, comical, musical riff on Ulysses. It’s at our favorite Chief O’Neill’s Pub. 4 shows! Don’t miss it, it’s going to be delightful and I want to see you!
Jamie on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Jamie-OReilly-123987634477/
Listen to Jamie sing songs from the show. https://www.jamieoreilly.com/jamies-summer-update-songs-bloomsday/
MORE from the producer
Join renowned director/writer J.R. Sullivan for delightful, dramatical, musical, comical riffs on ULYSSES at BLOOMSDAY CHICAGO on the Centenary Anniversary of the novel. Celebrating James Joyce with a play on the book and songs from Jamie O’Reilly accompanied by John Erickson on piano, J.R. and cast will regale you with fun and thoughtful lyrics and prose in the comforting confines of Chief O’Neill’s Pub at 3471 N. Elston Ave – which will double as Joyce’s Dublin for the shows.
Joyce said “life is too short to read a bad book,” but he’d be glad his work is being celebrated in far-flung cities like that of the Broad Shoulders here in Illinois as joyfully and eloquently as it will be June 15 and 16. Two performances will be presented each night at 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Join us at Chief O’Neill’s and celebrate the genius of Joyce
“It is like a great net let down from heaven including in the infinite variety in its take on the magnificent and the petty, the holy and the obscene.”
(Stuart Gilbert, Random House Ulysses advertisement)
HH Productions and J. R. Sullivan
In association with Irish Theatre of Chicago Presents
A dramatical, musical, comical riff on ULYSSES
celebrating the Centenary of the James Joyce Masterpiece
Wed June 15, Thurs June 16
at 6:30 & 8:30 PM
Chief O’Neill’s Pub and Restaurant
3471 N Elston Ave,
Chicago, IL 60618
Show Tickets: $25. here:
Adapted from James Joyce’s Ulysses by J.R. Sullivan, this special Bloomsday event in a genuine pub setting features Shawn Douglass, Sean Kenyon, Stephen Spencer,
Dan Sullivan, JR Sullivan, and Claudia Kinahan.
Featured vocalist Jamie O’Reilly is accompanied by John Erickson on piano.
Seating is limited. Advance tickets encouraged. Dinner service offered before the show. Dinner reservations can be made ahead
at Chief O’Neill’s. PH (773) 583-3066.

Roots in Ireland is a project tracing the roots of Jamie’s cultural legacy and Irish heritage.
Part I In Old Chicago, explores the roots of my vocal style and her family’s Chicago Salon tradition. We visit the world of her Irish American relations: feisty activists, artists and writers, and the Irish literary revival in the early 20th century, and the period of James Joyce. This program debuted to a standing ovation in fall of 2021. Donate via PayPal here.
Watch Jamie’s 4 min Roots in Ireland video here: https://www.jamieoreilly.com/videos/jamie-oreilly-roots-in-ireland-a-video-a-musical-journey