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Women’s History Month Salon
Tough Broads & Tender Lasses
Songs of Resilience.
In a musical tribute to the 20th century chanteuse, vocalist Jamie O’Reilly brings a concert of songs and stories to lift the spirit; World War II blitz-ballads, torch songs, lullabies, folksongs and novelty tunes.
This concert was created coming out of the Covid winter, when Jamie, like other artists, sought a fresh outlook and perspective. Stories talk about what keeps us going: daydreaming, cooking, dancing, gardening, family, love, determination in the face of adversity, prayer, poetry, art and music…and she tells stories of others who have found their way.
Don’t miss this inspiring evening. And plan to sing along!
Purchase tickets below via PayPal, or Zelle to jamie.joanjor@gmail.com