Jamie sings a tender rendition of the classic ballad from the American Songbook, accompanied by Michael Smith, Bob Weber, Peter Swenson and John Floeter. From Souvenir, 2008.
Michael Peter Smith
Blue SongNotes Blue River & Blue
SongNotes “Blue”. Hear two of Jamie’s best “Blue River” the vintage-style ballad, and a cover of Lucinda Williams’ “Blue”.
Jamie’s accompanied by John Erickson, Michael Smith, cellist Bob Weber, and others.
Jamie’s Irish Sampler ~ 40 years of song
Jamie’s Irish Sampler. 40 years of solos and group songs from Jamie O’Reilly & the Rogues, Michael Smith and others.
SongNotes: Young Lad of the Braided Hair
“Love is like a crown of thorns, wrapped around my heart.” Jamie’s SongNotes blog discusses a 19th c translation of an ancient Irish poem by “Anonymous,” and a 2015 recording of songwriter Michael Smith’s refashioned version as a catchy folksong. Audio file is included.
Covers & Others: Jamie sings Love Songs
Woman’s Heart: Exploring Love
Jamie curates a list of lovesongs – covers and others – she’s recorded.
SongNotes: Rain in the Key of D
SongNotes: Rain in the Key of D.
Jamie shares a recently rediscovered version of Smith’s enchanting song, recorded live with Michael and Paul Amandes on guitars. Evanston, Il. 2008
Michael P. Smith Musical Tribute at The Hideout
This event is sold out! Thanks to The Hideout!
Hosted by Paul Durica (Chicago History Museum) and Mark Guarino (Country & Midwestern), the afternoon at The Hideout features musicians from a broad spectrum of styles honoring the late singer/songwriter Michael P. Smith, whose fifty-plus year career, in addition to a solo act, included a rock duo and trio (with Barbara Barrow), folk ensembles (Weavermania, Fourtold), composition for theatre (Steppenwolf, Victory Gardens, Blair Thomas & Co) and extensive collaborations (with Steve Goodman, Anne Hills, Jamie O’Reilly, James Lee Stanley and others).
Musicians on the bill Dec 16 include (in alphabetical order): Naomi Ashley, Judson Claiborne, Steve Dawson, Gerald Dowd, Rachel Drew, Mark Dvorak, Chris Farrell, Jon Langford, Jamie O’Reilly and Linda M. Smith.
READ Jamie’s Enewsletter about this event.
Reserve soon, this event will sell out.
LISTEN Michael talk (from Songwriting)
LISTEN to Michael sing Starry Archipelago from Moby Dick
Jamie’s Christmas Greeting, an audio/visual postcard
Jamie O’Reilly’s Christmas Greeting, audio/video postcard. 2022
SongNotes: Siever’s by Michael Smith
Jamie’s SongNotes Blog featured Michael Smith’s classic autumn song. Sievers from Spoon River Anthology. Here in an unreleased recording, with Peter Swenson’s arrangement. Jamie will feature the song in Harvest Home, on Oct 9 at Tre Kronor.
Song of Bernadette Jamie O’Reilly with Michael Smith and Bob Weber
Jamie sings Song of Bernadette, from 2008, with Michael Smith on guitar and Bob Weber on cello.