No seats left for ST. PATRICK’S DAY, 2024 at Tre Kronor.

Raffle tickets are available. Go here.



Reservation tickets are non-refundable.

Join us in May 5 for the MayFest Roots Salon
Thank you, Chicago,


Sun March at 6:30 PM

Roots St. Patrick’s Day Salon
Tre Kronor Swedish Bistro
3258 W Foster Ave
Chicago, Il
$25 (food & drink are separate)
Guest musical artist John B. Erickson
Guest writer/reader Cecilie O’Reilly

On Sunday, March 17 at 6:30 PM, Jamie will host an old-world style St. Paddy’s Day dinner concert with classsic Irish ballads, sing-a-longs, pub songs, and recitations, with John Erickson on piano. Special guests: Cecilie O’Reilly & Judi Heikes reading poetry. Meg Broz, guitar, vocals.  The menu features holiday fare, including corned beef and cabbage and luscious desserts. BYOB. $25. Reservation covers the cost of admission. Food and drink separate.








Listen to Jamie’s Irish Song  Sampler Playlist here.






Join as a Roots Series Subscriber. Visit the blog page here: https://www.jamieoreilly.com/2024-roots-salon-subscriber-series/



Performers: Jamie sings with John Erickson on piano.
Judi Cogan Heikes, Belinda Bremner, Diane Dorsey
and featured poet Maureen Tolman Flannery read their own work.

PayPal above

PAY HERE: Admission tickets are $23 each through
Zelle at  Joan O’Reilly 773.203.7661

A Bee Basket donated by Judi Cogan Heikes.
Raffle tickets supporting the In Old Chicago project. https://www.jamieoreilly.com/jamie-oreilly-cultural-arts-community-projects-updates-and-support-2023/

With wild honey from North Carolina and Wyoming, beeswax candles, tablecloth, teapot and cups, flower seeds and a flower pot and more.  And some of Maureen Tolman Flannery’s handmade woodland creatures.

Buy your raffle tickets here or at the Salon. (You need not be present to win.)
Tickets are $10 each. Or 3 for $20. Or 5 for $45.
Please buy with ZELLE at Joan O’Reilly 773.203.7661